Baring it All! - Going Bald for Cancer Research UK

What would you give to see me lose all my long hair?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A place to donate to Cancer Research UK online!

Yahay! It was easier than I thought to set up a way to donate to a charity online - There's a special website, called "Just Giving", which is already there to make it easy to donate for a particular event! So, I've got a donation page, and there's no excuses not to get the plastic out of your wallet or purse... The address is

But to make it really easy, there's a link in the sidebar! :-D

I've also set a target of £1000!! Whether this is too little or too much remains to be seen, but it's an aim to start with, isn't it! And I'm not losing my hair for less than £1000!!!


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