Baring it All! - Going Bald for Cancer Research UK

What would you give to see me lose all my long hair?

Friday, November 03, 2006

47 Days - Another Donation

So, though this post is a bit late, I'm still counting it as for the 3rd November, because I haven't been to sleep yet...

Well, it was my day off today, and I went to visit my mum in her nursing home. It was worth the trip - I got the biggest smile ever!

And I gave a big smile too...

When my youngest daughter, R. , came back from school today, she brought with her another donation (sadly not one of funds - that appears to have been static for several days, so if you are waiting for the last minute - please don't! I'm looking all the time, and it's sooooo disappointing when the thermometer doesn't move...).

No, the donation my daughter brought back from school was a package - a plastic bag. I took it, curious what it might contain, and why she was giving it to me. As I opened it, I chuckled... I could see what one of the three items was - Red and furry with distinctive white trim - yep, a Santa's hat! But what really made me laugh were the little (or should I say 'huge') black protrusions - ears! Mickey Mouse ears! I tried the hat on (and no, I didn't get a photo of that) and imagined absolutely no hair coming out from beneath the trim.... :-D

Out from the bag also fell a postcard (Enid Blyton's Malory Towers) - the girls looked like they were having a bit of a laugh (with all their nice hairdos...), and on the back is a message of good luck, and "I thought these might come in handy!!" - Thanks Wendy, they will :-D I'll be sure to wear the Mickey-Santa hat after the headshave on the last day of term!!!

Whispering, giggling girls
Enid Blyton's 'Malory Towers'

[excuse the quality - haven't got a good zoom]


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