Baring it All! - Going Bald for Cancer Research UK

What would you give to see me lose all my long hair?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

46 Days - Guy Fawkes Night (not!)

My friend Julia (I can now use her real name),
and I, messing about [ doing our "Morecombe
and Wise" impression :-D]
as teenagers

I'm beginning to feel like I'm just a potential haircut! :-(

This morning, whilst helping out at the Brownie jumble sale, I found myself talking about the headshave to a couple of the other helpers. Ok, I like to talk about it, because I'm kind of pleased other people are interested, and want to help/ donate.

Then I met someone in the village, who mentioned it, and wished me well. And again, this evening, when I gave a lift to my son and a couple of his friends, they said they'd read/ heard about it, and would like to donate.

Then again, tonight, at the firework display.

You know what? It's really, really cool so many people are rooting for me, and have said they will donate...But I'm beginning to panic whether anyone else is actually going to donate and whether I'll reach the target! :-S I keep on checking the Just Giving website... but no change...
I was sort of thinking/hoping there would be a slow, but steady-ish, trickle of donations. Crikey, I know there's over a month to go, but there was two when I started...

If everyone who's said they will put something in the pot does, then it'll be alright, but if they don't....well, then, that kind of puts me in a bit of a quandry. I need to reach the target. It's a goal I set because I thought it attainable... I hope I'm right. Shaving off my hair for less than that seems a cryin' shame!!! So, I really shouldn't.

I guess, what I mean, is that if I simply shave my hair off, and haven't raised a decent amount of funds, then it will be just a haircut :-(
There has to be a positive outcome for doing this. To be at least some little bit of help in the fight against cancer.

Of course, I don't intend to denegrate the wonderful donations made so far - they're great, and have got me off the starting line - but I don't want us to only raise this amount! I would like to know that there was enough to fund a small project, or make one feasible where otherwise it wouldn't have been. It might be 'the one' project that could change things around - hey, you never know!

So, an appeal: Would anyone (anyone!) please put something into the account (even if it's just £2 - I think that's the minimum they'll take), just so I know it's still on track? Thanks. I'd really appreciate it! :-)


  • At November 06, 2006, Blogger QUASAR9 said…

    So first halloween, and then setting fire to Guy Fawke's
    well that should have cleared the air of any 'demons' - lol!

    Als but no, All Saints and all hallows was about lighting a candle and communing with the spirits of dear departed ones, somehow got lost in the fog of ghost stories and Freddy Krugger

    Bonfire night used to be about letting go - burning old furniture, old leaves, old trees, dead wood, old clothes, paintings, dolls, art , (even problems), ...
    and making way for the new

    But people have forgoyyen what it was all about, and like Xmas, they become just another hectic day, yo rush around shopping, cooking, dressing-up and eating ... only to find the real magic or 'sparkle' has fizzled away.

    And tomorrow is just another day with the exactly same problems brought over from the previous day.

    So here's wishing you a new day, in this icy cold sunny wintery day

  • At November 06, 2006, Blogger Annelisa said…

    I know what you mean about the reason for a celebration being forgotten - Christmas just seems to be about 'buying', Easter about eating, and bonfire night about how good a display it is. Where is all the 'extras' that make it special, and mean something?
    Thanks for visiting, quasar9 - maybe a few more demons have been cleared out after all! :-)


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