Baring it All! - Going Bald for Cancer Research UK

What would you give to see me lose all my long hair?

Monday, November 27, 2006

23 Days - yeughk!

Well, you might wonder where I've been hiding... Two of the kids have been ill over the weekend, and today it's gotten me :-(

My hair, though in plaits, has not withstood lying down on it all day, and I'm just glad there's not a mirror where I'm sitting!!!

I'll attempt to say something of value tomorrow, but just now I'm going to crawl back under the blanket, and bid you goodnight!


  • At November 27, 2006, Blogger Mother of Invention said…

    You just answered my question on the other blog! get better soon!

  • At November 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Can't believe someone spammed you. I'm thinking a rude word that I'll not post up!!

    Get well soon.

  • At November 28, 2006, Blogger Annelisa said…

    Ah well, it's so easy to delete spam, isn't it!

    MOI & Topchamp - thanks for your good wishes! Still a bit icky, but hopefully on the mend!

  • At November 28, 2006, Blogger QUASAR9 said…

    No good trying to bury your head
    the scissors will still get you, or so I've read

  • At November 28, 2006, Blogger Annelisa said…

    eeeugh - that sounds creepy... they come at you under the sand... there is no escape... (ever see that film 'Tremors'? :-D)


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