Baring it All! - Going Bald for Cancer Research UK

What would you give to see me lose all my long hair?

Friday, November 17, 2006

33 Days - plaits

It's nearly 3am and I finally finished doing my plaits! Hooooray! :-D

(maybe piccie tomorrow...)


  • At November 18, 2006, Blogger Mother of Invention said…

    How do your arms and shoulders hold up that long?! Take one last pic! Will you post before and after pics? Be brave!

  • At November 18, 2006, Blogger Annelisa said…

    I distract myself by watching a couple of films back to back... that nearly takes as long as it takes to do... it's a long slog, but worth it (don't usually have to do any more for a couple of months! :-D, and washing it is easy-peasy too...)


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