What would you give to see me lose all my long hair?
Saturday, December 09, 2006
11 days - A quick thank you!
I'm a bit busy today, but just wanted to say a special thank you to my third cousin, Tony Smith, who sponsored me unexpectedly, and very generously, yesterday!
We've only met through the internet about a year ago, and have never met personally - but we apparently share the same gypsy blood! :-)
8 days! This is really going to happen! And I'm worried about what the hairdresser will do today and all I'm having is 3" off and blonde highlights! Enjoy your plaits!!
Yep, looks like people's generosity are going to ensure it does happen! Soon I'm really not going to worry at all about my hair! :-) (I've decided to keep it for now, until I can think what I want to do with it..)
And, I suspect I'll never have it this long again either... But hey, I've nearly got the £1000 (£800 now!) so it's worth it!
I'm enjoying my plaits (not 'braids'? :-) ) for all they're worth!!!! (which appears to be about £1000 :-D)
You can still make a donation online from anywhere in the world, using the "Just Giving" link above (...until 18th Oct 2007) :-D
If you came to see me 'reveal all', sorry, but it's just my head! :-) Please stay though, read a bit what it's about...and maybe consider a donation?!?Thanks!
TARGET £1000
TOTAL: £1315.59! (including reclaimed tax)
Online donations= £373
Online tax reclaimed= £67.69
Off-line donations= £761.72
Off-line tax reclaimed= £83.18
Sale of hair= £30
Yahay - We've done it!!!
We've reached (and surpassed!) the target!!!
Thank You To Everyone For Making This Possible!
I had my head shaved of nearly two and a half feet of hair: Wednesday 20th December 2006 at 3pm!!!
Take the pressure off yourself to perform miracles - we are not gods!
There are miracles all around - take a moment to appreciate them.
Then... sometimes a miracle happens, when you least expect it.
At December 12, 2006,
Mother of Invention said…
8 days! This is really going to happen! And I'm worried about what the hairdresser will do today and all I'm having is 3" off and blonde highlights!
Enjoy your plaits!!
At December 12, 2006,
Annelisa said…
Yep, looks like people's generosity are going to ensure it does happen! Soon I'm really not going to worry at all about my hair! :-) (I've decided to keep it for now, until I can think what I want to do with it..)
And, I suspect I'll never have it this long again either... But hey, I've nearly got the £1000 (£800 now!) so it's worth it!
I'm enjoying my plaits (not 'braids'? :-) ) for all they're worth!!!! (which appears to be about £1000 :-D)
At December 13, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Glad to see you're nearly there!!
At December 13, 2006,
Annelisa said…
Yep! Less than £200 to go! I hope I get the thousand... so close now!
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