Finally - The video!!!
If you click on it, and go to YouTube, you can see it full screen :-D
This is Julia and I on my birthday, not so very long ago... we went out to an Italien restaurant like this (and nearly didn't get in! :-) )
Sorry - we were having so much fun trying on wigs and hats that we forgot to get a picture of us both bald together!!
At January 01, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Again I will say that you are a wonderful, compassionate amazing woman. WOW!!!!
At January 01, 2007,
Annelisa said…
Atmosphere was great, huh?
And I have to say, it was soooo much more fun than I thought it would be!
Thanks Brian!!
((hugs)) back!
At January 01, 2007,
Anonymous said…
I forgot to ask you who were all the kids on stage?
At January 01, 2007,
Annelisa said…
Hi again, Brian- They were the 6th formers, who'd just finished the 6th Form Review (mickey taking of the teachers :-D). The rest of the cheers and screams were coming from the rest of the year groups who could watch the performance.
They were all brill!
At January 01, 2007,
ann said…
Hi Annelisa... what a beautiful name, so much nicer than boring plain Ann, but mine kinda suits boring plain Ann.
Sorry I am waffling
Brian sent me here... what a wonderful thing you have done. I am curious... sorry to ask, but what happened to your hair? Will it be made into a wig for perhaps a cancer sufferer?
I hope you're wearing a hat... the weather here has turned quite cold.
All the best
lotsa luv ann xxxxx
At January 01, 2007,
Mother of Invention said…
Wow! That really rocked! You looked like you were really hyped and having fun! I'm so proud I know you for doing this graet thing. Younworked so hard at it.
I truly hope your friend gets better.
Hugs and kudos to you!
At January 02, 2007,
Annelisa said…
Nothing wrong with the name Ann, Ann! That's what I'm ususally called... I always think 'short and sweet' and so easy to pair up with another person's name... :-) And it means 'grace', which I've never been sure if it's a prayer or being graceful... now I'm waffling!
The fate of the hair is still uncertain... I have it in a bag, waiting for me to get off my backside and find out if anyone wants it... I don't believe it can be donated for people going through chemo, because of the dyes in it (ehm... there's been quite a lot of that over the years...)
I've played with the idea of finding a wigmaker to sell it to, to see if I can raise more funds for Cancer Research UK - it's simply a case of it being a busy time of year, and I haven't got round to it yet...
Will have to do something about it soon... it's sitting in a bag, waiting to jump out and haunt me!
At January 02, 2007,
Annelisa said…
Thanks Ruth!
You're right, I was completely, utterly, totally and entirely hyped up!! I'd just spent an hour backstage, first expecting to go on in an earlier break, then waiting until the end... I think I was supporting the wall (or was it supporting me?! :-D) my legs were so jelly... so when it was time to finally go on, I was sooooo relieved - think it showed? :-D
At January 02, 2007,
Katie McKenna said…
You are such a beautiful,loving woman! You really move me... to be more. I appreciate the gift of you. Thank you! Have the greatest and merriest New Year!
At January 02, 2007,
that frolicsome kid said…
Thanks so much annelisa for uploading that video. I really admire your courage for getting in front of the stage and getting shaved!
Oh yeah, I love the introduction (and I love the teacher who was your barber too)! You looked really scared at first, but after a while, you seemed to get into the spirit! Go annelisa! Yay!
Wish I was there in real time to cheer you on! I was rooting for you inside me while you were getting your hair shaven off!
I think you have done a marvellous feat! Kudos to you!
At January 02, 2007,
Annelisa said…
Thanks, Katie! We are all 'more' all the time, we just don't realise it most the time!
A brilliant New Year to you too! Hope it's a good'un for you!
At January 02, 2007,
Annelisa said…
Cheers, FK - as I said before, the hardest was waiting backstage... On the stage, I tried to act the scared hostage, but I had a fit of the giggles [grin]
At January 02, 2007,
QUASAR9 said…
Awesome Annelisa,
Got some Bottle ... Well Done!!!
So where did all the hair go???
At January 02, 2007,
QUASAR9 said…
Still, bet you are hoping it grows baqck soon - lol!
At January 02, 2007,
Annelisa said…
Hey Quasar9! Bottle's half empty... :-)
Hair's in a carrier bag... and I'm just going to have to find someone to take it soon...
...and no, not rushing to grow it back... enjoying the 'cropped' look for now - I want to have some time to 'play' with wigs and hats. Besides which, tomorrow (or later today) it's my birthday, and I'm going to see Julia with my cropped hair... I'll try and get a photo of us 'side by side'... :-)
At January 03, 2007,
Unknown said…
Hello Annelisa!
I think it was a very brave thing to do!
And in the matter of hair, I think you should sell it on ebay and see how much you'll get there.
Big Respect Girl!!! ;)
At January 04, 2007,
Annelisa said…
ThanksJon - Hey, you reckon anyone would be interested in a bundle of hair on ebay?? Hadn't thought of that as an option! :-)
At January 10, 2007,
Ashish Agarwal said…
Annelisa, Just a quick question.
Did you just have a birthday ? Your profile used to say age as 250, and now it is 251
At January 10, 2007,
Annelisa said…
Very observant of you, Ashish!! :-) I have past my quarter millenium, and am now heading for 500 years! I don't know if you've been over to my main blog, but I mention it in this post...
At February 04, 2007,
Chipmunk said…
you was verry brave!
At February 04, 2007,
Annelisa said…
That means a lot coming from you, Tinna!!
At February 06, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Annelisa you know what a hero your friend is as well as you are for her? Someone that goes through the embarassment of losing hair, eyebrows, and lashes deserves to know that they are loved and can make a difference in others lives. Every cancer patient has a story. That story can encourage others or destroy them. Cancer is no respecter of person for who it attacks.People like you can make sure that those that go through the terrible process are never forgotten or left alone. Hurrah for your love!
At February 26, 2007,
Stine said…
Well done you!
Thanks for your kind comment on my Blog! Pictures will turn up eventually...
At February 26, 2007,
Annelisa said…
Thank you, Mytoes - that makes you a hero for what you are doing too! And you are, for sure!
At February 26, 2007,
Annelisa said…
Thanks, Stine - Glad you had a good holiday. Hope you stop by again!
At March 09, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Hi Annelisa!
Why I didn't see this your place yet? Amazing, sooo amazing! I'll be back more time!
At March 09, 2007,
Yazi said…
i must say i am impressed with u!! (:
i want to make link to u from my page, which site would u perfer, i see u have several blogs running
PS. btw u look nice bald too :)
At March 10, 2007,
Annelisa said…
Hey Krystyna! I don't make a lot of this blog now - it's here because there's still the visitors. Apart from a couple of sponsors, the money's virtually all in now, so I don't come here much now. But I'm leaving it up, because maybe, just maybe it'll inspire someone to do something similar.... or say 'Heck, I'm not doing that, but maybe I could do...' You never know.
Also, donations are still collectable until next October, so just in case someone has mind to make one, I'm leaving this to add another link! :-)
Thanks for visiting!
At March 10, 2007,
Annelisa said…
Thanks, Yazi - the hair's a couple of inches now, and sprouting in all directions! So, not bald anymore. Even my friend, Julia,'s not as bald as she was, even though chemo continues, because they've had to reduce the dosage so as not to knock anymore white blood cells...
If you were to link, I'm most likely on my main blog Words that Flow, so that would probably be the best one to come to
I linked you from there a while back! :-D
At November 07, 2010,
maryt/theteach said…
Wow, Annelisa, you are brave! BUT you are so pretty you can certainly carry a bald head! I give you a lot of credit! :)
At November 11, 2010,
Asta said…
Thank you for all your'e doing for peace and against that horribull C Daddi had Cancew fouw and thee foufs yeaws ago and we'we always scawed it wil come back.
Thank you fow youw soopew nice message on my bloggie
smoochie kisses
At December 10, 2013,
bulletholes said…
A friend of mine, who is going to be going through chemo, just posted to FB that hats and wigs and gloves were "creepy, not sexy", so I sent her your picyure, with the miilionwatt smile, and the gorgeous shiny green hair, and your video too.
The gift that keeps on giving.
Hi Annelisa!
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