Baring it All! - Going Bald for Cancer Research UK

What would you give to see me lose all my long hair?

Monday, December 18, 2006

2 days - Wow!

Fanfares a trumpeting!


We've surpassed the target!

Thank you to everyone who'd donated or otherwise supported me!

Over £1000 - thanks to the generosity of people like you!

My hair's coming off on Wednesday...

Watch this space for pictures (and hopefully a video!)


  • At December 19, 2006, Blogger TopChamp said…

    CONGRATULATIONS! Knew you'd get there.

    So we'll see you as a shiny skulled baldy very soon.

    Good luck to your pal on her results too.

  • At December 19, 2006, Blogger Annelisa said…

    Thanks Topchamp!

    Yep, balding tomorrow (today is "Baldeve" :-) )

    I've just come from the school, and I'm getting soooo much support and well-wishes from everyone... and the staff and kids have all been wonderful!

    Can't wait for tomorrow? Or could run a mile tonight? Not sure. But I'm heading into town in a minute - not to do Christmas shopping, as I should be doing, but to buy a blue wig!!!

    I've always wanted royal blue hair, and no matter what I did, I just couldn't get it to take. Green was brilliant, red, burgundy, orange, black... all of them took no bother. But blue? Not a chance! so, I promised myself, if I reached a £1000, then I'd treat myself to a blue wig!!! :-D I'll put pictures up - promise :-) )

  • At December 19, 2006, Blogger Annelisa said…

    Oh yes, I'll tell Julia you're rooting for her! :-)

  • At December 19, 2006, Blogger QUASAR9 said…

    Annelisa - Great!

    Oh can't wait, off off I said
    off with her hair I said
    and not her head. lol!

  • At December 19, 2006, Blogger Mother of Invention said…

    This is so cool! Congrats for over targetting. I'm excited for you! Julia is so blessed to have a friend like you. Happy Baldeve!

  • At December 19, 2006, Blogger Annelisa said…

    Ha ha, Quasar9-
    The last laugh will be thine!
    Tonight I'm stoking up on the red wine
    So that tomorrow I won't lose my spine...
    but I'm sure tomorrow will be mighty fine!

  • At December 19, 2006, Blogger Annelisa said…

    Thankyou Mother of Invention - it's so good knowing I have people behind me from all the areas of my life.

    It's been an experience and a half, and it's going to be one helluva tomorrow!

    I am also blessed to have a friend like Julia... it's not often you find friends so close! She read this post earlier today, and would have loved to be there tomorrow, but unfortunately, with white blood cells at there lowest, can't mix with big groups of people without a high risk of catching something. But I know she will be with me in spirit... and I certainly know she will have a laugh over my baldy head afterwards! :-D

    Catch you soon!


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