3 days - hair down...
Only 3 days to go... so my hair's come down again, ready to go :-)
My friend, Julia, came over yesterday, and we went back to a few places we used to build camps and stuff. It was really weird to see our old haunts - especially the place we built a huge stick and fern village, cutting steps into all the surrounding slopes, and scrumping apples from the nearby orchard... We spent a whole summer at this one!
Across fields...
...over gates...
We just had such a lot of fun exploring and remembering. And it was the perfect visit for the perfect time.
Afterwards we had a cuppa, and Julia took off her hat, revealing her baldy head. We had a little laugh over the fact I'd also be bald in a few days... and the afternoon reminded me exactly why I was doing this.
I'm going to stand side by side with my friend, bald as a baby, in the not too distant future... £1000 is going to Cancer Research UK... and I've learned a lot through the experience.
Just before Christmas (21st December I believe) Julia gets the results of the latest scans to find out how the chemo's going - Good luck my friend!!
By the way, it's not too late to donate - it all goes to Cancer Research UK !! The website is at
At December 18, 2006,
I blinded you with Science! said…
Hey love!
Made my donation (diana hopeful doctor). Thanks so much for doing this. You will cancer research and will help raise awareness.
There are tears in my eyes, knowing that you are doing this. Like I had said to you before, I wanted to do this for my dad. But he yelled at me for wanting to cut my hair.
One idea is donating your hair to make wigs for cancer patients. I'm not sure if they accept hair donations in the UK like they do here, but your hair can make at least 2 wigs! Another way you can help.
Thanks again!
At December 18, 2006,
Mother of Invention said…
That's fabulous! I'm wishing your friend's results are encouraging.
I'll be thinking of both of you on Wed.! Will she be there watching?
(Your tree looks great!)
At December 18, 2006,
Annelisa said…
Oh, Diana, what a very generous gesture! Your parents would be really proud of what a caring and considerate person you have grown into - you are a credit to them!
I know that people who have lost their hair (including my friend Julia) don't like to see people shave off their hair when they don't have to - especially when they have lost their hair, and might not get it back... Julia's come round to the idea, specially because it's raising funds for a cause so close to her, but I think she'd rather have her own hair, and doesn't want to see me not have any. As I pointed out to her - mine's choice, it's different. When you have no choice, it makes you feel no control. I choose to do this for something I believe in, and I also know it (hopefully :-) ) will grow back.
But, remember Diane, at least you wanted to do something. You would have if your dad hadn't been against it. And that counts for a lot! Instead you've helped in a different way - which holds just as much importance. I know from people I've spoken to (and my own experience) that people just want to do something, anything, because they feel so helpless watching loved ones suffer. We all do what we can, however we can. I'm betting your father would have been proud of you whatever you did! :-)
I've thought about the idea of donating my hair for wigs, but as I said in an earlier post, I'm not sure they would want dyed hair. But, maybe someone else might buy it, and the money used to add to the fundraising... We'll see. At the moment I'm not sure if I can part with it straight away...
At December 18, 2006,
Annelisa said…
Julia said on Saturday she'd like to come along, then remembered she would be having the chemo today, so she'll be totally knocked out by Wednesday (that's when it usually hits), so we decided that she could see it here on the blog...
I'm crossing my fingers for her too!
At December 18, 2006,
QUASAR9 said…
so, you getting butterflies
panic attacks, cold feet, yet?
Dunno, is it like wedding day
as the day & time get closer ...
do you just wanna run away and
keep your hair
At December 18, 2006,
QUASAR9 said…
Congrats anyway
almost reach the target ...
At December 18, 2006,
QUASAR9 said…
Gonna be weird with no hair
on Xmas day - so what did you ask Santa to get yah!
When's the last time you had short hair?
At December 18, 2006,
Mother of Invention said…
Will you keep this blog going afterwards just to update us?
At December 19, 2006,
Annelisa said…
Cold feet, Quasar? Yes!
Butterflies? Yes!
Panic attacks? Sort of (if not being able to sleep counts...)
I think you're right - it does feel a bit like I'd imagine a wedding day to be (don't know for sure, since my ex and I snuck off and did it on the quiet...) But it's definately mixed feelings - can't wait for it to be done, but there is a part of me that wants to say "NOOOOOoooooo! It' my hair! Leave it alone!"
But, it's totally my choice, and I'm almost ready for it. And I'm just so grateful to everyone for supporting me - financially and emotionally!
At December 19, 2006,
Annelisa said…
Reached the target on the weekend, and contributions are still coming in... I'll have to tally up after tomorrow! :-D Yay!
At December 19, 2006,
Annelisa said…
Last time I got my hair cut at a hairdressers was when I was 18, I think. I usually do my own (cut the bottoms off when I plait it up)
Or, I should say "used" to do my own... :-)
Got lots of woolie hats, but gonna ask santa for a scarf for when I'm inside... (or I'll just wear the blue wig I'm going to buy tonight, hopefully)
At December 19, 2006,
Annelisa said…
MOI - Of course you'll get updates! :-)
I'm going to try and get piccies up tomorrow - and also a video if I can!
At December 20, 2006,
Anonymous said…
good luck Anne!thinking of you today,got lots of hats if you need any!love juliaxxx
At December 20, 2006,
Annelisa said…
Julia! What a lovely surprise to see you here! And thanks very much... the day went brilliantly - and I got my fingers crossed for you tomorrow!
(((Big hugs!)))
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