5 days - - - - - - !!!
I reckon I'm a bit overwhelmed by it all actually....
Yesterday, I was in the staffroom, and saying to my workmates I'm close - very close! Only another hundred and something more....
Four people immediately said they hadn't put their sponsor up, and went to the form and wrote it on!!! I have to admit, a teeny weeny tear welled up in me, for all the generosity of people!!!
Karen and Lynne and Liz - a big part of their contribution is as a christmas present to the rest of us technicians... this year (I think I've mentioned this before) instead of pressies to each other, it was agreed the money that would have been used would go into my fundraising - So thank you so much for that! That was a very generous and appreciated thing to do!
There are too many people to name everyone in the post, but I'd just like to draw people's attention to all the names in the sidebar - this isn't everyone who's contributed - just the ones I've got the names of.... Without them, the target would not be reached.
I want to say a special thank you to all the students in the school who've made contributions. I am well aware that many of you have donated your last few pence, or your sweet money, and in some cases larger amounts. I appreciate that more than you can know. I'm well aware how much this is for you - when you don't have a lot, it is a lot more!!! So, a big thank you to you!
(and by the way, if you're going to come along on Wednesday - I think it's fair to say that we'll reach the target now!- bring along any other cash you'd like to donate and put it in the collecting boxes on the day!!! We might even just zip passed the target! :-D )
I have to go Christmas shopping now, but I'll try and write again soon!
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