.ha ha!
Not exacty running :-)
Though I
was this morning...
Last night I was watching a film (something about a monkey) with my youngest, and fell asleep half way through. I have a vague recollection of her climbing off my bed and saying goodnight.... and then nothing until the morning! I woke up to the sound of wind blustering hard, and things knocking around outside, and wondered briefly if the cover of the swing seat was still there [how many times have I thought to take that in???!!]
Bleary -eyed, I wander downstairs to get a cuppa to take back to bed, only to see the front door wide open...
First thought was the dogs. I call the dogs...
I call the kids....
I run upstairs to check the kids. They're there (thank goodness! :-) ), but no dogs. Damn! The Jack Russel's been trouble from the word
The whole reason I took him on in the
first place was because he could jump my sister's 6 foot fence (and frequently did!) and he could get through a crack between the gate and it's post that I couldn't stick my fingers through (and no, I haven't got gi-normous hands!!! )
So, round the back, I have a special fence that alerts him if he gets too close. He's only run over it a couple of times, and is normally pretty good.... but the number of times I've had to run down the road in my slippers to catch the little bugger when he's escaped out the front door (it only takes a moment to forget, and it only takes a moment for him to slip between the legs and out...), and the number of times one of the kids has run without shoes down the street to catch him before he creates havoc on the roads (or worse...). He has absolutely no road sense whatever!
Back to this morning - the Jack was gone. But so was our other dog... good, faithful, well-behaved (normally!) and an absolute darling [ok, ok... we've had him since he was a puppy, and you can't
help being extra attached to a dog that's chewed up all your shoes, eaten the carpets, dug holes in the walls - all at my mum's I hasten to add :-D - and come through it the other side as completely adorable!]. I called. I looked. I checked outside. Nope - little blighters had skipped it!
I was just about to put on the wellies [well, I would've if I could find any that fit :-) ] and start the hunt. I'd done this before, spending hours hunting, only to have the Jack return when he was hungry. But, in the meantime you worry, and
anything could've happened,
t it?
Then I heard a beep. Could've been the house phone batteries running down. I was going to ignore it when I realised it could
also have been an alert from my mobile. So, hunt the phone time... I'd used it last night, when I got back from my sister's, so it
had to be around
somewhere!! The worst thing about the mobile is that there's no reception in the house. All
around the house, but not
in it... The third company I'd tried as well....
Found the phone, and there were 6 (yes,
six) missed phonecalls!! How could it be that not one of them had got through?
And they were all from the same number - a mobile number. A lovely person called Carol (A huge THANK YOU!) had found my dogs. She'd been trying to reach me, and finally had to give up, and drop them off at a police station 10 miles away in Tunbridge Wells! And what's worse, was she was dropping them off on the way to work, and it was only 5.45am! Poor thing!
So, rung the police, and found the station's not 'open' until 10am, but spoke to a very nice lady who took details and said she'd ring back. Finally, 10am arrives, and I go to fetch the dogs with youngest... Forgot about Christmas, didn't I?! Queues going way back... So, what should've taken 20 minutes, max, took an hour. Collecting the dogs wasn't too bad - we got to look about the hundred year old police station a wee bit, and see all the tiny old cells prisoners used to be kept in. The two dogs were joyful to see us - muddy paws all up our nice clean clothes (which happened to be wet on the backside anyway, because some idjut (ehm - me...) left the sun-roof open... and soon we were away home.
So, the little critters took up most of the morning. And the rest of day's been spent catching up...
Hopefully tomorrow will be a more fruitful day, in the way of things happening (or perhaps being a little
less eventful :-) ).
(and maybe I'll even find someone else to sponsor me! :-) )